New Channel HD

New Channel HD



1+1 Marathon HD

1+1 Marathon HD

2+2 HD

2+2 HD



Viasat Kino Megahit HD

Viasat Kino Megahit HD

Viasat Kino Action HD

Viasat Kino Action HD

Viasat Kino HD

Viasat Kino HD

Eurosport 1 HD

Eurosport 1 HD

Eurosport 2

Eurosport 2

Viasat Kino World

Viasat Kino World

Viasat Kino Comedy HD

Viasat Kino Comedy HD

24 канал HD

24 канал HD







Ми — Україна+ HD

Ми — Україна+ HD

Inter HD

Inter HD

Epic Drama HD

Epic Drama HD

Priamyi HD

Priamyi HD

InRating HD

InRating HD

Квартал ТВ

Квартал ТВ





Еспресо TV HD

Еспресо TV HD



Viasat Explore

Viasat Explore

Viasat History HD

Viasat History HD

Viasat Nature

Viasat Nature

Hollywood HD

Hollywood HD



EU.Music HD

EU.Music HD

UA Music HD

UA Music HD

Black HD

Black HD



5 Канал HD

5 Канал HD

Prosto Fishing HD

Prosto Fishing HD

Mega HD

Mega HD



Pixel TV HD

Pixel TV HD

Zoom HD

Zoom HD

Music Box Polska HD

Music Box Polska HD

ProstoGame HD

ProstoGame HD

Niki Junior HD

Niki Junior HD

Niki Kids HD

Niki Kids HD

Телевсесвіт HD

Телевсесвіт HD

Horse TV HD

Horse TV HD

TransMissia HD

TransMissia HD

ProstoDrive HD

ProstoDrive HD

X-Stream HD

X-Stream HD



Дача HD

Дача HD

Настоящее Время HD

Настоящее Время HD



Obozrevatel HD

Obozrevatel HD

MultStream HD

MultStream HD

Lale HD

Lale HD

Enter-фiльм HD

Enter-фiльм HD

Freedom HD

Freedom HD

Just TV

Just TV

Ukraine World News HD

Ukraine World News HD

Vita TV

Vita TV





Перший HD

Перший HD





Catastrofa Online HD

Catastrofa Online HD

SpaceStream HD

SpaceStream HD

Milady Television

Milady Television



Rada HD

Rada HD



Хроніка Війни HD

Хроніка Війни HD

NavigatorTV HD

NavigatorTV HD

Белсат TV

Белсат TV

ProFact HD

ProFact HD

Travel Guide-TV HD

Travel Guide-TV HD

EcoSystem HD

EcoSystem HD

RelaxON HD

RelaxON HD

Camin HD

Camin HD

StreamCity HD

StreamCity HD

TrainStream HD

TrainStream HD

RecreatiON HD

RecreatiON HD

ZooStream HD

ZooStream HD

Aquarium HD

Aquarium HD



TrailerON HD

TrailerON HD

Karavan TV

Karavan TV

Суспільне Київ HD

Суспільне Київ HD

Суспільне Харків HD

Суспільне Харків HD

Суспільне Дніпро HD

Суспільне Дніпро HD

Суспільне Запоріжжя HD

Суспільне Запоріжжя HD

Суспільне Львів HD

Суспільне Львів HD

Суспільне Одеса HD

Суспільне Одеса HD

Суспільне Чернівці HD

Суспільне Чернівці HD

Суспільне Чернігів HD

Суспільне Чернігів HD

Суспільне Вінниця HD

Суспільне Вінниця HD

Суспільне Житомир HD

Суспільне Житомир HD

Суспільне Рівне HD

Суспільне Рівне HD

Суспільне Донбас HD

Суспільне Донбас HD

Суспільне Полтава HD

Суспільне Полтава HD

Суспільне Луцьк HD

Суспільне Луцьк HD

Суспільне Черкаси HD

Суспільне Черкаси HD

Суспільне Суми HD

Суспільне Суми HD

Суспільне Крим HD

Суспільне Крим HD

Суспільне Тернопіль HD

Суспільне Тернопіль HD

Суспільне Миколаїв HD

Суспільне Миколаїв HD

Суспільне Хмельницький HD

Суспільне Хмельницький HD

Суспільне Херсон HD

Суспільне Херсон HD

Суспільне Ужгород HD

Суспільне Ужгород HD

Суспільне Івано-Франківськ HD

Суспільне Івано-Франківськ HD

Суспільне Кропивницький HD

Суспільне Кропивницький HD

Suspilne Kultura HD

Suspilne Kultura HD

Перший Західний

Перший Західний





МСТ Марганец

МСТ Марганец











TVP Polonia

TVP Polonia

Prosto Ukraine HD

Prosto Ukraine HD

AquaStream HD

AquaStream HD

Prosto Park HD

Prosto Park HD

Новый христианский

Новый христианский

CNL Ukraine

CNL Ukraine



Niki Junior

Niki Junior

Niki Kids

Niki Kids

Genuine TV HD

Genuine TV HD

11:38A lush meadow of a mountain valley
12:08Полонина Промо
12:08It's a hot day in the meadow
12:28Sunny mountain valley
12:48Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
13:18Flight over the meadow
13:33Полонина Промо
13:34Flower valley
14:04Chamomile meadow
14:21Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
14:36Flowers of polony
15:06Полонина Промо
15:06Wild field poppies
15:26Polonyny of the Carpathians
15:46The field is filled with wind
16:06Галявина на березі гірського озера
16:36Polonaise in the spring
17:06A blooming valley in the mountains
17:26Полонина Промо
17:27Cozy flowering meadowsweet
17:47Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
18:04Highland flowers
18:24Polonyna at sunset
18:44Spring meadow with daisies
19:04Green meadow in the forest
19:24Полонина Промо
19:24Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
19:44Forest clearing
20:14Flowering meadow near the forest
20:44A clearing in the middle of the forest
21:14Summer day on the lawn
21:44Полонина Промо
21:45Polonyna on the foothills
22:15A blooming carpet of polony
22:35Through the rays of the sun
22:55A lush meadow of a mountain valley
23:25Полонина Промо
23:25It's a hot day in the meadow
23:45Sunny mountain valley
00:05Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
00:35Flight over the meadow
00:50Полонина Промо
00:51Flower valley
01:21Chamomile meadow
01:38Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
01:53Flowers of polony
02:23Полонина Промо
02:23Wild field poppies
02:43Polonyny of the Carpathians
03:03The field is filled with wind
03:23Галявина на березі гірського озера
03:53Polonaise in the spring
04:23A blooming valley in the mountains
04:43Полонина Промо
04:44Cozy flowering meadowsweet
05:04Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
05:21Highland flowers
05:41Polonyna at sunset
06:01Spring meadow with daisies
06:21Green meadow in the forest
06:41Полонина Промо
06:41Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
07:01Forest clearing
07:31Flowering meadow near the forest
08:01A clearing in the middle of the forest
08:31Summer day on the lawn
09:01Полонина Промо
09:02Polonyna on the foothills
09:32A blooming carpet of polony
09:52Through the rays of the sun
10:12A lush meadow of a mountain valley
10:42Полонина Промо
10:42It's a hot day in the meadow
11:02Sunny mountain valley
11:22Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
11:52Flight over the meadow
12:07Полонина Промо
12:08Flower valley
12:38Chamomile meadow
12:55Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
13:10Flowers of polony
13:40Полонина Промо
13:40Wild field poppies
14:00Polonyny of the Carpathians
14:20The field is filled with wind
14:40Галявина на березі гірського озера
15:10Polonaise in the spring
15:40A blooming valley in the mountains
16:00Полонина Промо
16:01Cozy flowering meadowsweet
16:21Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
16:38Highland flowers
16:58Polonyna at sunset
17:18Spring meadow with daisies
17:38Green meadow in the forest
17:58Полонина Промо
17:58Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
18:18Forest clearing
18:48Flowering meadow near the forest
19:18A clearing in the middle of the forest
19:48Summer day on the lawn
20:18Полонина Промо
20:19Polonyna on the foothills
20:49A blooming carpet of polony
21:09Through the rays of the sun
21:29A lush meadow of a mountain valley
21:59Полонина Промо
21:59It's a hot day in the meadow
22:19Sunny mountain valley
22:39Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
23:09Flight over the meadow
23:24Полонина Промо
23:25Flower valley
23:55Chamomile meadow
00:12Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
00:27Flowers of polony
00:57Полонина Промо
00:57Wild field poppies
01:17Polonyny of the Carpathians
01:37The field is filled with wind
01:57Галявина на березі гірського озера
02:27Polonaise in the spring
02:57A blooming valley in the mountains
03:17Полонина Промо
03:18Cozy flowering meadowsweet
03:38Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
03:55Highland flowers
04:15Polonyna at sunset
04:35Spring meadow with daisies
04:55Green meadow in the forest
05:15Полонина Промо
05:15Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
05:35Forest clearing
06:05Flowering meadow near the forest
06:35A clearing in the middle of the forest
07:05Summer day on the lawn
07:35Полонина Промо
07:36Polonyna on the foothills
08:06A blooming carpet of polony
08:26Through the rays of the sun
08:46A lush meadow of a mountain valley
09:16Полонина Промо
09:16It's a hot day in the meadow
09:36Sunny mountain valley
09:56Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
10:26Flight over the meadow
10:41Полонина Промо
10:42Flower valley
11:12Chamomile meadow
11:29Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
11:44Flowers of polony
12:14Полонина Промо
12:14Wild field poppies
12:34Polonyny of the Carpathians
12:54The field is filled with wind
13:14Галявина на березі гірського озера
13:44Polonaise in the spring
14:14A blooming valley in the mountains
14:34Полонина Промо
14:35Cozy flowering meadowsweet
14:55Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
15:12Highland flowers
15:32Polonyna at sunset
15:52Spring meadow with daisies
16:12Green meadow in the forest
16:32Полонина Промо
16:32Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
16:52Forest clearing
17:22Flowering meadow near the forest
17:52A clearing in the middle of the forest
18:22Summer day on the lawn
18:52Полонина Промо
18:53Polonyna on the foothills
19:23A blooming carpet of polony
19:43Through the rays of the sun
20:03A lush meadow of a mountain valley
20:33Полонина Промо
20:33It's a hot day in the meadow
20:53Sunny mountain valley
21:13Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
21:43Flight over the meadow
21:58Полонина Промо
21:59Flower valley
22:29Chamomile meadow
22:46Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
23:01Flowers of polony
23:31Полонина Промо
23:31Wild field poppies
23:51Polonyny of the Carpathians
00:11The field is filled with wind
00:31Галявина на березі гірського озера
01:01Polonaise in the spring
01:31A blooming valley in the mountains
01:51Полонина Промо
01:52Cozy flowering meadowsweet
02:12Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
02:29Highland flowers
02:49Polonyna at sunset
03:09Spring meadow with daisies
03:29Green meadow in the forest
03:49Полонина Промо
03:49Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
04:09Forest clearing
04:39Flowering meadow near the forest
05:09A clearing in the middle of the forest
05:39Summer day on the lawn
06:09Полонина Промо
06:10Polonyna on the foothills
06:40A blooming carpet of polony
07:00Through the rays of the sun
07:20A lush meadow of a mountain valley
07:50Полонина Промо
07:50It's a hot day in the meadow
08:10Sunny mountain valley
08:30Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
09:00Flight over the meadow
09:15Полонина Промо
09:16Flower valley
09:46Chamomile meadow
10:03Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
10:18Flowers of polony
10:48Полонина Промо
10:48Wild field poppies
11:08Polonyny of the Carpathians
11:28The field is filled with wind
11:48Галявина на березі гірського озера
12:18Polonaise in the spring
12:48A blooming valley in the mountains
13:08Полонина Промо
13:09Cozy flowering meadowsweet
13:29Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
13:46Highland flowers
14:06Polonyna at sunset
14:26Spring meadow with daisies
14:46Green meadow in the forest
15:06Полонина Промо
15:06Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
15:26Forest clearing
15:56Flowering meadow near the forest
16:26A clearing in the middle of the forest
16:56Summer day on the lawn
17:26Полонина Промо
17:27Polonyna on the foothills
17:57A blooming carpet of polony
18:17Through the rays of the sun
18:37A lush meadow of a mountain valley
19:07Полонина Промо
19:07It's a hot day in the meadow
19:27Sunny mountain valley
19:47Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
20:17Flight over the meadow
20:32Полонина Промо
20:33Flower valley
21:03Chamomile meadow
21:20Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
21:35Flowers of polony
22:05Полонина Промо
22:05Wild field poppies
22:25Polonyny of the Carpathians
22:45The field is filled with wind
23:05Галявина на березі гірського озера
23:35Polonaise in the spring
00:05A blooming valley in the mountains
00:25Полонина Промо
00:26Cozy flowering meadowsweet
00:46Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
01:03Highland flowers
01:23Polonyna at sunset
01:43Spring meadow with daisies
02:03Green meadow in the forest
02:23Полонина Промо
02:23Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
02:43Forest clearing
03:13Flowering meadow near the forest
03:43A clearing in the middle of the forest
04:13Summer day on the lawn
04:43Полонина Промо
04:44Polonyna on the foothills
05:14A blooming carpet of polony
05:34Through the rays of the sun
05:54A lush meadow of a mountain valley
06:24Полонина Промо
06:24It's a hot day in the meadow
06:44Sunny mountain valley
07:04Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
07:34Flight over the meadow
07:49Полонина Промо
07:50Flower valley
08:20Chamomile meadow
08:37Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
08:52Flowers of polony
09:22Полонина Промо
09:22Wild field poppies
09:42Polonyny of the Carpathians
10:02The field is filled with wind
10:22Галявина на березі гірського озера
10:52Polonaise in the spring
11:22A blooming valley in the mountains
11:42Полонина Промо
11:43Cozy flowering meadowsweet
12:03Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
12:20Highland flowers
12:40Polonyna at sunset
13:00Spring meadow with daisies
13:20Green meadow in the forest
13:40Полонина Промо
13:40Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
14:00Forest clearing
14:30Flowering meadow near the forest
15:00A clearing in the middle of the forest
15:30Summer day on the lawn
16:00Полонина Промо
16:01Polonyna on the foothills
16:31A blooming carpet of polony
16:51Through the rays of the sun
17:11A lush meadow of a mountain valley
17:41Полонина Промо
17:41It's a hot day in the meadow
18:01Sunny mountain valley
18:21Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
18:51Flight over the meadow
19:06Полонина Промо
19:07Flower valley
19:37Chamomile meadow
19:54Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
20:09Flowers of polony
20:39Полонина Промо
20:39Wild field poppies
20:59Polonyny of the Carpathians
21:19The field is filled with wind
21:39Галявина на березі гірського озера
22:09Polonaise in the spring
22:39A blooming valley in the mountains
22:59Полонина Промо
23:00Cozy flowering meadowsweet
23:20Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
23:37Highland flowers
23:57Polonyna at sunset
00:17Spring meadow with daisies
00:37Green meadow in the forest
00:57Полонина Промо
00:57Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
01:17Forest clearing
01:47Flowering meadow near the forest
02:17A clearing in the middle of the forest
02:47Summer day on the lawn
03:17Полонина Промо
03:18Polonyna on the foothills
03:48A blooming carpet of polony
04:08Through the rays of the sun
04:28A lush meadow of a mountain valley
04:58Полонина Промо
04:58It's a hot day in the meadow
05:18Sunny mountain valley
05:38Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
06:08Flight over the meadow
06:23Полонина Промо
06:24Flower valley
06:54Chamomile meadow
07:11Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
07:26Flowers of polony
07:56Полонина Промо
07:56Wild field poppies
08:16Polonyny of the Carpathians
08:36The field is filled with wind
08:56Галявина на березі гірського озера
09:26Polonaise in the spring
09:56A blooming valley in the mountains
10:16Полонина Промо
10:17Cozy flowering meadowsweet
10:37Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
10:54Highland flowers
11:14Polonyna at sunset
11:34Green meadow in the forest
11:54A blooming valley in the mountains
12:14Spring meadow with daisies
12:34Полонина Промо
12:34Flowering meadow near the forest
13:04A clearing in the middle of the forest
13:34Summer day on the lawn
14:04Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
14:24A blooming carpet of polony
14:44Полонина Промо
14:45Through the rays of the sun
15:05It's a hot day in the meadow
15:25A lush meadow of a mountain valley
15:55Polonyna on the foothills
16:25Полонина Промо
16:25Sunny mountain valley
16:45Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
17:15Flight over the meadow
17:30Flower valley
18:00Полонина Промо
18:01Chamomile meadow
18:18Polonyny of the Carpathians
18:38Flowers of polony
19:08Wild field poppies
19:28Полонина Промо
19:28The field is filled with wind
19:48Cozy flowering meadowsweet
20:08Галявина на березі гірського озера
20:38Polonaise in the spring
21:08Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
21:23Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
21:40Полонина Промо
21:41Highland flowers
22:01Forest clearing
22:31Polonyna at sunset
22:51Green meadow in the forest
23:11A blooming valley in the mountains
23:31Spring meadow with daisies
23:51Полонина Промо
23:51Flowering meadow near the forest
00:21A clearing in the middle of the forest
00:51Summer day on the lawn
01:21Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
01:41A blooming carpet of polony
02:01Полонина Промо
02:02Through the rays of the sun
02:22It's a hot day in the meadow
02:42A lush meadow of a mountain valley
03:12Polonyna on the foothills
03:42Полонина Промо
03:42Sunny mountain valley
04:02Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
04:32Flight over the meadow
04:47Flower valley
05:17Полонина Промо
05:18Chamomile meadow
05:35Polonyny of the Carpathians
05:55Flowers of polony
06:25Wild field poppies
06:45Полонина Промо
06:45The field is filled with wind
07:05Cozy flowering meadowsweet
07:25Галявина на березі гірського озера
07:55Polonaise in the spring
08:25Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
08:40Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
08:57Полонина Промо
08:58Highland flowers
09:18Forest clearing
09:48Polonyna at sunset
10:08Green meadow in the forest
10:28A blooming valley in the mountains
10:48Spring meadow with daisies
11:08Полонина Промо
11:08Flowering meadow near the forest
11:38A clearing in the middle of the forest
12:08Summer day on the lawn
12:38Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
12:58A blooming carpet of polony
13:18Полонина Промо
13:19Through the rays of the sun
13:39It's a hot day in the meadow
13:59A lush meadow of a mountain valley
14:29Polonyna on the foothills
14:59Полонина Промо
14:59Sunny mountain valley
15:19Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
15:49Flight over the meadow
16:04Flower valley
16:34Полонина Промо
16:35Chamomile meadow
16:52Polonyny of the Carpathians
17:12Flowers of polony
17:42Wild field poppies
18:02Полонина Промо
18:02The field is filled with wind
18:22Cozy flowering meadowsweet
18:42Галявина на березі гірського озера
19:12Polonaise in the spring
19:42Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
19:57Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
20:14Полонина Промо
20:15Highland flowers
20:35Forest clearing
21:05Polonyna at sunset
21:25Green meadow in the forest
21:45A blooming valley in the mountains
22:05Spring meadow with daisies
22:25Полонина Промо
22:25Flowering meadow near the forest
22:55A clearing in the middle of the forest
23:25Summer day on the lawn
23:55Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
00:15A blooming carpet of polony
00:35Полонина Промо
00:36Through the rays of the sun
00:56It's a hot day in the meadow
01:16A lush meadow of a mountain valley
01:46Polonyna on the foothills
02:16Полонина Промо
02:16Sunny mountain valley
02:36Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
03:06Flight over the meadow
03:21Flower valley
03:51Полонина Промо
03:52Chamomile meadow
04:09Polonyny of the Carpathians
04:29Flowers of polony
04:59Wild field poppies
05:19Полонина Промо
05:19The field is filled with wind
05:39Cozy flowering meadowsweet
05:59Галявина на березі гірського озера
06:29Polonaise in the spring
06:59Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
07:14Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
07:31Полонина Промо
07:32Highland flowers
07:52Forest clearing
08:22Polonyna at sunset
08:42Green meadow in the forest
09:02A blooming valley in the mountains
09:22Spring meadow with daisies
09:42Полонина Промо
09:42Flowering meadow near the forest
10:12A clearing in the middle of the forest
10:42Summer day on the lawn
11:12Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
11:32A blooming carpet of polony
11:52Полонина Промо
11:53Through the rays of the sun
12:13It's a hot day in the meadow
12:33A lush meadow of a mountain valley
13:03Polonyna on the foothills
13:33Полонина Промо
13:33Sunny mountain valley
13:53Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
14:23Flight over the meadow
14:38Flower valley
15:08Полонина Промо
15:09Chamomile meadow
15:26Polonyny of the Carpathians
15:46Flowers of polony
16:16Wild field poppies
16:36Полонина Промо
16:36The field is filled with wind
16:56Cozy flowering meadowsweet
17:16Галявина на березі гірського озера
17:46Polonaise in the spring
18:16Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
18:31Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
18:48Полонина Промо
18:49Highland flowers
19:09Forest clearing
19:39Polonyna at sunset
19:59Green meadow in the forest
20:19A blooming valley in the mountains
20:39Spring meadow with daisies
20:59Полонина Промо
20:59Flowering meadow near the forest
21:29A clearing in the middle of the forest
21:59Summer day on the lawn
22:29Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
22:49A blooming carpet of polony
23:09Полонина Промо
23:10Through the rays of the sun
23:30It's a hot day in the meadow
23:50A lush meadow of a mountain valley
00:20Polonyna on the foothills
00:50Полонина Промо
00:50Sunny mountain valley
01:10Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
01:40Flight over the meadow
01:55Flower valley
02:25Полонина Промо
02:26Chamomile meadow
02:43Polonyny of the Carpathians
03:03Flowers of polony
03:33Wild field poppies
03:53Полонина Промо
03:53The field is filled with wind
04:13Cozy flowering meadowsweet
04:33Галявина на березі гірського озера
05:03Polonaise in the spring
05:33Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
05:48Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
06:05Полонина Промо
06:06Highland flowers
06:26Forest clearing
06:56Polonyna at sunset
07:16Green meadow in the forest
07:36A blooming valley in the mountains
07:56Spring meadow with daisies
08:16Полонина Промо
08:16Flowering meadow near the forest
08:46A clearing in the middle of the forest
09:16Summer day on the lawn
09:46Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
10:06A blooming carpet of polony
10:26Полонина Промо
10:27Through the rays of the sun
10:47It's a hot day in the meadow
11:07A lush meadow of a mountain valley
11:37Polonyna on the foothills
12:07Полонина Промо
12:07Sunny mountain valley
12:27Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
12:57Flight over the meadow
13:12Flower valley
13:42Полонина Промо
13:43Chamomile meadow
14:00Polonyny of the Carpathians
14:20Flowers of polony
14:50Wild field poppies
15:10Полонина Промо
15:10The field is filled with wind
15:30Cozy flowering meadowsweet
15:50Галявина на березі гірського озера
16:20Polonaise in the spring
16:50Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
17:05Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
17:22Полонина Промо
17:23Highland flowers
17:43Forest clearing
18:13Polonyna at sunset
18:33Green meadow in the forest
18:53A blooming valley in the mountains
19:13Spring meadow with daisies
19:33Полонина Промо
19:33Flowering meadow near the forest
20:03A clearing in the middle of the forest
20:33Summer day on the lawn
21:03Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
21:23A blooming carpet of polony
21:43Полонина Промо
21:44Through the rays of the sun
22:04It's a hot day in the meadow
22:24A lush meadow of a mountain valley
22:54Polonyna on the foothills
23:24Полонина Промо
23:24Sunny mountain valley
23:44Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
00:14Flight over the meadow
00:29Flower valley
00:59Полонина Промо
01:00Chamomile meadow
01:17Polonyny of the Carpathians
01:37Flowers of polony
02:07Wild field poppies
02:27Полонина Промо
02:27The field is filled with wind
02:47Cozy flowering meadowsweet
03:07Галявина на березі гірського озера
03:37Polonaise in the spring
04:07Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
04:22Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
04:39Полонина Промо
04:40Highland flowers
05:00Forest clearing
05:30Polonyna at sunset
05:50Green meadow in the forest
06:10A blooming valley in the mountains
06:30Spring meadow with daisies
06:50Полонина Промо
06:50Flowering meadow near the forest
07:20A clearing in the middle of the forest
07:50Summer day on the lawn
08:20Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
08:40A blooming carpet of polony
09:00Полонина Промо
09:01Through the rays of the sun
09:21It's a hot day in the meadow
09:41A lush meadow of a mountain valley
10:11Polonyna on the foothills
10:41Полонина Промо
10:41Sunny mountain valley
11:01Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
11:31Flight over the meadow
11:46Flower valley
12:16Полонина Промо
12:17Chamomile meadow
12:34Polonyny of the Carpathians
12:54Flowers of polony
13:24Wild field poppies
13:44Полонина Промо
13:44The field is filled with wind
14:04Cozy flowering meadowsweet
14:24Галявина на березі гірського озера
14:54Polonaise in the spring
15:24Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
15:39Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
15:56Полонина Промо
15:57Highland flowers
16:17Forest clearing
16:47Polonyna at sunset
17:07Green meadow in the forest
17:27A blooming valley in the mountains
17:47Spring meadow with daisies
18:07Полонина Промо
18:07Flowering meadow near the forest
18:37A clearing in the middle of the forest
19:07Summer day on the lawn
19:37Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
19:57A blooming carpet of polony
20:17Полонина Промо
20:18Through the rays of the sun
20:38It's a hot day in the meadow
20:58A lush meadow of a mountain valley
21:28Polonyna on the foothills
21:58Полонина Промо
21:58Sunny mountain valley
22:18Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
22:48Flight over the meadow
23:03Flower valley
23:33Полонина Промо
23:34Chamomile meadow
23:51Polonyny of the Carpathians
00:11Flowers of polony
00:41Wild field poppies
01:01Полонина Промо
01:01The field is filled with wind
01:21Cozy flowering meadowsweet
01:41Галявина на березі гірського озера
02:11Polonaise in the spring
02:41Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
02:56Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
03:13Полонина Промо
03:14Highland flowers
03:34Forest clearing
04:04Polonyna at sunset
04:24Green meadow in the forest
04:44A blooming valley in the mountains
05:04Spring meadow with daisies
05:24Полонина Промо
05:24Flowering meadow near the forest
05:54A clearing in the middle of the forest
06:24Summer day on the lawn
06:54Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
07:14A blooming carpet of polony
07:34Полонина Промо
07:35Through the rays of the sun
07:55It's a hot day in the meadow
08:15A lush meadow of a mountain valley
08:45Polonyna on the foothills
09:15Полонина Промо
09:15Sunny mountain valley
09:35Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
10:05Flight over the meadow
10:20Flower valley
10:50Полонина Промо
10:51Chamomile meadow
11:08Polonyny of the Carpathians
11:28Flowers of polony
11:58Wild field poppies
12:18Полонина Промо
12:18The field is filled with wind
12:38Cozy flowering meadowsweet
12:58Галявина на березі гірського озера
13:28Polonaise in the spring
13:58Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
14:13Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
14:30Полонина Промо
14:31Highland flowers
14:51Forest clearing
15:21Polonyna at sunset
15:41Green meadow in the forest
16:01A blooming valley in the mountains
16:21Spring meadow with daisies
16:41Полонина Промо
16:41Flowering meadow near the forest
17:11A clearing in the middle of the forest
17:41Summer day on the lawn
18:11Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
18:31A blooming carpet of polony
18:51Полонина Промо
18:52Through the rays of the sun
19:12It's a hot day in the meadow
19:32A lush meadow of a mountain valley
20:02Polonyna on the foothills
20:32Полонина Промо
20:32Sunny mountain valley
20:52Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
21:22Flight over the meadow
21:37Flower valley
22:07Полонина Промо
22:08Chamomile meadow
22:25Polonyny of the Carpathians
22:45Flowers of polony
23:15Wild field poppies
23:35Полонина Промо
23:35The field is filled with wind
23:55Cozy flowering meadowsweet
00:15Галявина на березі гірського озера
00:45Polonaise in the spring
01:15Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
01:30Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
01:47Полонина Промо
01:48Highland flowers
02:08Forest clearing
02:38Polonyna at sunset
02:58Green meadow in the forest
03:18A blooming valley in the mountains
03:38Spring meadow with daisies
03:58Полонина Промо
03:58Flowering meadow near the forest
04:28A clearing in the middle of the forest
04:58Summer day on the lawn
05:28Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
05:48A blooming carpet of polony
06:08Полонина Промо
06:09Through the rays of the sun
06:29It's a hot day in the meadow
06:49A lush meadow of a mountain valley
07:19Polonyna on the foothills
07:49Полонина Промо
07:49Sunny mountain valley
08:09Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
08:39Flight over the meadow
08:54Flower valley
09:24Полонина Промо
09:25Chamomile meadow
09:42Polonyny of the Carpathians
10:02Flowers of polony
10:32Wild field poppies
10:52Полонина Промо
10:52The field is filled with wind
11:12Cozy flowering meadowsweet
11:32Галявина на березі гірського озера
12:02Polonaise in the spring
12:32Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
12:47Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
13:04Полонина Промо
13:05Highland flowers
13:25Forest clearing
13:55Polonyna at sunset
14:15Green meadow in the forest
14:35A blooming valley in the mountains
14:55Spring meadow with daisies
15:15Полонина Промо
15:15Flowering meadow near the forest
15:45A clearing in the middle of the forest
16:15Summer day on the lawn
16:45Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
17:05A blooming carpet of polony
17:25Полонина Промо
17:26Through the rays of the sun
17:46It's a hot day in the meadow
18:06A lush meadow of a mountain valley
18:36Polonyna on the foothills
19:06Полонина Промо
19:06Sunny mountain valley
19:26Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
19:56Flight over the meadow
20:11Flower valley
20:41Полонина Промо
20:42Chamomile meadow
20:59Polonyny of the Carpathians
21:19Flowers of polony
21:49Wild field poppies
22:09Полонина Промо
22:09The field is filled with wind
22:29Cozy flowering meadowsweet
22:49Галявина на березі гірського озера
23:19Polonaise in the spring
23:49Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
00:04Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
00:21Полонина Промо
00:22Highland flowers
00:42Forest clearing
01:12Polonyna at sunset
01:32Green meadow in the forest
01:52A blooming valley in the mountains
02:12Spring meadow with daisies
02:32Полонина Промо
02:32Flowering meadow near the forest
03:02A clearing in the middle of the forest
03:32Summer day on the lawn
04:02Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
04:22A blooming carpet of polony
04:42Полонина Промо
04:43Through the rays of the sun
05:03It's a hot day in the meadow
05:23A lush meadow of a mountain valley
05:53Polonyna on the foothills
06:23Полонина Промо
06:23Sunny mountain valley
06:43Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
07:13Flight over the meadow
07:28Flower valley
07:58Полонина Промо
07:59Chamomile meadow
08:16Polonyny of the Carpathians
08:36Flowers of polony
09:06Wild field poppies
09:26Полонина Промо
09:26The field is filled with wind
09:46Cozy flowering meadowsweet
10:06Галявина на березі гірського озера
10:36Polonaise in the spring
11:06Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
11:21Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
11:38Полонина Промо
11:39Highland flowers
11:59Forest clearing
12:29Polonyna at sunset
12:49Green meadow in the forest
13:09A blooming valley in the mountains
13:29Spring meadow with daisies
13:49Полонина Промо
13:49Flowering meadow near the forest
14:19A clearing in the middle of the forest
14:49Summer day on the lawn
15:19Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
15:39A blooming carpet of polony
15:59Полонина Промо
16:00Through the rays of the sun
16:20It's a hot day in the meadow
16:40A lush meadow of a mountain valley
17:10Polonyna on the foothills
17:40Полонина Промо
17:40Sunny mountain valley
18:00Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
18:30Flight over the meadow
18:45Flower valley
19:15Полонина Промо
19:16Chamomile meadow
19:33Polonyny of the Carpathians
19:53Flowers of polony
20:23Wild field poppies
20:43Полонина Промо
20:43The field is filled with wind
21:03Cozy flowering meadowsweet
21:23Галявина на березі гірського озера
21:53Polonaise in the spring
22:23Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
22:38Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
22:55Полонина Промо
22:56Highland flowers
23:16Forest clearing
23:46Polonyna at sunset
00:06Green meadow in the forest
00:26A blooming valley in the mountains
00:46Spring meadow with daisies
01:06Полонина Промо
01:06Flowering meadow near the forest
01:36A clearing in the middle of the forest
02:06Summer day on the lawn
02:36Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
02:56A blooming carpet of polony
03:16Полонина Промо
03:17Through the rays of the sun
03:37It's a hot day in the meadow
03:57A lush meadow of a mountain valley
04:27Polonyna on the foothills
04:57Полонина Промо
04:57Sunny mountain valley
05:17Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
05:47Flight over the meadow
06:02Flower valley
06:32Полонина Промо
06:33Chamomile meadow
06:50Polonyny of the Carpathians
07:10Flowers of polony
07:40Wild field poppies
08:00Полонина Промо
08:00The field is filled with wind
08:20Cozy flowering meadowsweet
08:40Галявина на березі гірського озера
09:10Polonaise in the spring
09:40Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
09:55Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
10:12Полонина Промо
10:13Highland flowers
10:33Forest clearing
11:03Polonyna at sunset
11:23Green meadow in the forest
11:43A blooming valley in the mountains
12:03Spring meadow with daisies
12:23Полонина Промо
12:23Flowering meadow near the forest
12:53A clearing in the middle of the forest
13:23Summer day on the lawn
13:53Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
14:13A blooming carpet of polony
14:33Полонина Промо
14:34Through the rays of the sun
14:54It's a hot day in the meadow
15:14A lush meadow of a mountain valley
15:44Polonyna on the foothills
16:14Полонина Промо
16:14Sunny mountain valley
16:34Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
17:04Flight over the meadow
17:19Flower valley
17:49Полонина Промо
17:50Chamomile meadow
18:07Polonyny of the Carpathians
18:27Flowers of polony
18:57Wild field poppies
19:17Полонина Промо
19:17The field is filled with wind
19:37Cozy flowering meadowsweet
19:57Галявина на березі гірського озера
20:27Polonaise in the spring
20:57Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
21:12Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
21:29Полонина Промо
21:30Highland flowers
21:50Forest clearing
22:20Polonyna at sunset
22:40Green meadow in the forest
23:00A blooming valley in the mountains
23:20Spring meadow with daisies
23:40Полонина Промо
23:40Flowering meadow near the forest
00:10A clearing in the middle of the forest
00:40Summer day on the lawn
01:10Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
01:30A blooming carpet of polony
01:50Полонина Промо
01:51Through the rays of the sun
02:11It's a hot day in the meadow
02:31A lush meadow of a mountain valley
03:01Polonyna on the foothills
03:31Полонина Промо
03:31Sunny mountain valley
03:51Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
04:21Flight over the meadow
04:36Flower valley
05:06Полонина Промо
05:07Chamomile meadow
05:24Polonyny of the Carpathians
05:44Flowers of polony
06:14Wild field poppies
06:34Полонина Промо
06:34The field is filled with wind
06:54Cozy flowering meadowsweet
07:14Галявина на березі гірського озера
07:44Polonaise in the spring
08:14Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
08:29Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
08:46Полонина Промо
08:47Highland flowers
09:07Forest clearing
09:37Polonyna at sunset
09:57Green meadow in the forest
10:17A blooming valley in the mountains
10:37Spring meadow with daisies
10:57Полонина Промо
10:57Flowering meadow near the forest
11:27A clearing in the middle of the forest
11:57Summer day on the lawn
12:27Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
12:47A blooming carpet of polony
13:07Полонина Промо
13:08Through the rays of the sun
13:28It's a hot day in the meadow
13:48A lush meadow of a mountain valley
14:18Polonyna on the foothills
14:48Полонина Промо
14:48Sunny mountain valley
15:08Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
15:38Flight over the meadow
15:53Flower valley
16:23Полонина Промо
16:24Chamomile meadow
16:41Polonyny of the Carpathians
17:01Flowers of polony
17:31Wild field poppies
17:51Полонина Промо
17:51The field is filled with wind
18:11Cozy flowering meadowsweet
18:31Галявина на березі гірського озера
19:01Polonaise in the spring
19:31Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
19:46Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
20:03Полонина Промо
20:04Highland flowers
20:24Forest clearing
20:54Polonyna at sunset
21:14Green meadow in the forest
21:34A blooming valley in the mountains
21:54Spring meadow with daisies
22:14Полонина Промо
22:14Flowering meadow near the forest
22:44A clearing in the middle of the forest
23:14Summer day on the lawn
23:44Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
00:04A blooming carpet of polony
00:24Полонина Промо
00:25Through the rays of the sun
00:45It's a hot day in the meadow
01:05A lush meadow of a mountain valley
01:35Polonyna on the foothills
02:05Полонина Промо
02:05Sunny mountain valley
02:25Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
02:55Flight over the meadow
03:10Flower valley
03:40Полонина Промо
03:41Chamomile meadow
03:58Polonyny of the Carpathians
04:18Flowers of polony
04:48Wild field poppies
05:08Полонина Промо
05:08The field is filled with wind
05:28Cozy flowering meadowsweet
05:48Галявина на березі гірського озера
06:18Polonaise in the spring
06:48Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
07:03Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
07:20Полонина Промо
07:21Highland flowers
07:41Forest clearing
08:11Polonyna at sunset
08:31Green meadow in the forest
08:51A blooming valley in the mountains
09:11Spring meadow with daisies
09:31Полонина Промо
09:31Flowering meadow near the forest
10:01A clearing in the middle of the forest
10:31Summer day on the lawn
11:01Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
11:21A blooming carpet of polony
11:41Полонина Промо
11:42Through the rays of the sun
12:02It's a hot day in the meadow
12:22A lush meadow of a mountain valley
12:52Polonyna on the foothills
13:22Полонина Промо
13:22Sunny mountain valley
13:42Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
14:12Flight over the meadow
14:27Flower valley
14:57Полонина Промо
14:58Chamomile meadow
15:15Polonyny of the Carpathians
15:35Flowers of polony
16:05Wild field poppies
16:25Полонина Промо
16:25The field is filled with wind
16:45Cozy flowering meadowsweet
17:05Галявина на березі гірського озера
17:35Polonaise in the spring
18:05Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
18:20Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
18:37Полонина Промо
18:38Highland flowers
18:58Forest clearing
19:28Polonyna at sunset
19:48Green meadow in the forest
20:08A blooming valley in the mountains
20:28Spring meadow with daisies
20:48Полонина Промо
20:48Flowering meadow near the forest
21:18A clearing in the middle of the forest
21:48Summer day on the lawn
22:18Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
22:38A blooming carpet of polony
22:58Полонина Промо
22:59Through the rays of the sun
23:19It's a hot day in the meadow
23:39A lush meadow of a mountain valley
00:09Polonyna on the foothills
00:39Полонина Промо
00:39Sunny mountain valley
00:59Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
01:29Flight over the meadow
01:44Flower valley
02:14Полонина Промо
02:15Chamomile meadow
02:32Polonyny of the Carpathians
02:52Flowers of polony
03:22Wild field poppies
03:42Полонина Промо
03:42The field is filled with wind
04:02Cozy flowering meadowsweet
04:22Галявина на березі гірського озера
04:52Polonaise in the spring
05:22Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
05:37Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
05:54Полонина Промо
05:55Highland flowers
06:15Forest clearing
06:45Polonyna at sunset
07:05Green meadow in the forest
07:25A blooming valley in the mountains
07:45Spring meadow with daisies
08:05Полонина Промо
08:05Flowering meadow near the forest
08:35A clearing in the middle of the forest
09:05Summer day on the lawn
09:35Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
09:55A blooming carpet of polony
10:15Полонина Промо
10:16Through the rays of the sun
10:36It's a hot day in the meadow
10:56A lush meadow of a mountain valley
11:26Polonyna on the foothills
11:56Полонина Промо
11:56Sunny mountain valley
12:16Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
12:46Flight over the meadow
13:01Flower valley
13:31Полонина Промо
13:32Chamomile meadow
13:49Polonyny of the Carpathians
14:09Flowers of polony
14:39Wild field poppies
14:59Полонина Промо
14:59The field is filled with wind
15:19Cozy flowering meadowsweet
15:39Галявина на березі гірського озера
16:09Polonaise in the spring
16:39Pink flowers on the edge of the mountains
16:54Polonyny of the Carpathian Mountains
17:11Полонина Промо
17:12Highland flowers
17:32Forest clearing
18:02Polonyna at sunset
18:22Green meadow in the forest
18:42A blooming valley in the mountains
19:02Spring meadow with daisies
19:22Полонина Промо
19:22Flowering meadow near the forest
19:52A clearing in the middle of the forest
20:22Summer day on the lawn
20:52Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of the snowy Alps
21:12A blooming carpet of polony
21:32Полонина Промо
21:33Through the rays of the sun
21:53It's a hot day in the meadow
22:13A lush meadow of a mountain valley
22:43Polonyna on the foothills
23:13Полонина Промо
23:13Sunny mountain valley
23:33Flowering meadowsweet at the foot of snow-capped mountains
00:03Flight over the meadow
00:18Flower valley
00:48Полонина Промо
00:49Chamomile meadow
01:06Polonyny of the Carpathians
01:26Flowers of polony
01:56Wild field poppies
02:16Полонина Промо
02:16The field is filled with wind
02:36Cozy flowering meadowsweet
Полонина HD

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