The Green Mile (The Green Mile)
1999Movies, Drama, USA
Full HD189 minutes
In 1935, inmates at the Cold Mountain Correctional Facility call Death Row "The Green Mile" because of the dark green linoleum that tiles the floor. Paul Edgecomb (Tom Hanks) is the head guard on the Green Mile when John Coffey (Michael Clarke Duncan), a man convicted of the sadistic murder of two young girls, is brought into custody. Despite his size and the fearsome crimes for which he's serving time, Coffey seems to be a kind and well-mannered person who behaves more like an innocent child than a hardened criminal. Soon Edgecomb and two of his fellow guards, notice something odd about Coffey: he's able to perform what seem to be miracles of healing among his fellow inmates, leading them to wonder just what sort of person he could be, and if he could have committed the crimes with which he was charged.
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Ukrainian, English
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See also

The Guide (Povodir)

The Guide

The Ring (The Ring)

The Ring

47 Ronin (47 Ronin)

47 Ronin

The Dilemma (The Dilemma)

The Dilemma

The Danish Girl (The Danish Girl)

The Danish Girl

Whip It (Whip It)

Whip It