Fedorov about Horodetskyi: chimeras, toilets and concrete
Fedorov about Horodetskyi: chimeras, toilets and concrete

Sugar kings: Tereshchenka
Sugar kings: Tereshchenka

Gogol's World
Gogol's World

Jamala about the deportation of the Crimean Tatars
Jamala about the deportation of the Crimean Tatars

How Odessa saved the world from cholera
How Odessa saved the world from cholera

Mazepa: betrayal or victory?
Mazepa: betrayal or victory?

Ostap Stupka about characteristic Cossacks
Ostap Stupka about characteristic Cossacks

Kyivan Rus: Volodymyr the Great
Kyivan Rus: Volodymyr the Great

Michael Shchur about the King of Ukraine
Michael Shchur about the King of Ukraine

How the French ballet saved a Kyivan
How the French ballet saved a Kyivan
Available on devices
UkrainianRegarding the content (audiovisual, musical works, phonograms, videograms, graphic and other materials), which contain the marking «Content provided by VIASAT», the services of access to the specified content are provided to the Subscriber by the Limited Liability Company «Viasat Ukraine» (Registration code: 36125042, location: 01054, Ukraine, Kiev, Turgenevska Str., 15).
See also

2nd class. Ukrainian language

2nd class. Mathematics

2nd class. Physical education

3rd class. Ukrainian language

3rd class. Art

3rd class. Physical education

3rd class. Travel book. Ukraine

4th class. Ukrainian language

4th class. Mathematics

4th class. Art

4th class. Physical education

5th class. Art

5th class. History of Ukraine

6th class. Biology

6th class. Geography

7th class. Chemistry

7th class. English

8th class. History of Ukraine

8th class. Physics

8th class. Ukrainian language

9 class. Algebra

9 class. Art

9 class. Chemistry

9 class. World Literature

9 class. Geometry

9 class. Fundamentals of jurisprudence

9 class. Physics

9 class. World History

10 class. Biology and ecology

10 class. English

10 class. Physics

11 class. Algebra and beginnings of analysis

11 class. Biology and ecology

11 class. English

11 class. Geography