9 class. World Literature
Romanticism and realism in the novel Eugene Onegin

Romanticism and realism in the novel Eugene Onegin

Romanticism and realism in the novel Eugene Onegin

Hudljen innovation of Pushkin in Eugene Onegin

Hudljen innovation of Pushkin in Eugene Onegin

Hudljen innovation of Pushkin in Eugene Onegin

Lyrics by Mykhailo Lermontov

Lyrics by Mykhailo Lermontov

Lyrics by Mykhailo Lermontov

Features of the novel Hero of our time by M. Lermontov

Features of the novel Hero of our time by M. Lermontov

Features of the novel Hero of our time by M. Lermontov

Human Comedy of Honore de Balzac

Human Comedy of Honore de Balzac

Human Comedy of Honore de Balzac

Plot and compositional features of the novel Gobsek

Plot and compositional features of the novel Gobsek

Plot and compositional features of the novel Gobsek

Petersburg stage of Gogol's creativity. The play Reviser

Petersburg stage of Gogol's creativity. The play Reviser

Petersburg stage of Gogol's creativity. The play Reviser

The image of Khlestakov in the play Auditor by M. Gogol

The image of Khlestakov in the play Auditor by M. Gogol

The image of Khlestakov in the play Auditor by M. Gogol

Household, psychological and philosophical plans of the story Overcoat

Household, psychological and philosophical plans of the story Overcoat

Household, psychological and philosophical plans of the story Overcoat

Means of creating the image of Bashmachkin. The image of the capital in Mykola Gogol's story The Overcoat

Means of creating the image of Bashmachkin. The image of the capital in Mykola Gogol's story The Overcoat

Means of creating the image of Bashmachkin. The image of the capital in Mykola Gogol's story The Overcoat

Mykola Gogol. The Overcoat story. Interpretation of the finale of the work. The theme of the little man

Mykola Gogol. The Overcoat story. Interpretation of the finale of the work. The theme of the little man

Mykola Gogol. The Overcoat story. Interpretation of the finale of the work. The theme of the little man

Changes in drama at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.

Changes in drama at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.

Changes in drama at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.

Henrik Ibsen's Doll's House as a socio-psychological drama

Henrik Ibsen's Doll's House as a socio-psychological drama

Henrik Ibsen's Doll's House as a socio-psychological drama

The figurative system of H. Ibsen's play A Doll's House

The figurative system of H. Ibsen's play A Doll's House

The figurative system of H. Ibsen's play A Doll's House

Subtext. Symbolism. Openness of the finale of H. Ibsen's play A Doll's House

Subtext. Symbolism. Openness of the finale of H. Ibsen's play A Doll's House

Subtext. Symbolism. Openness of the finale of H. Ibsen's play A Doll's House

Bernard Shaw. Peculiarities of the worldview of the writer. The play Pygmalion

Bernard Shaw. Peculiarities of the worldview of the writer. The play Pygmalion

Bernard Shaw. Peculiarities of the worldview of the writer. The play Pygmalion

The specificity of the embodiment of an ancient myth in Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion

The specificity of the embodiment of an ancient myth in Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion

The specificity of the embodiment of an ancient myth in Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion

Dynamics of the image of Eliza Doolittle in Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion

Dynamics of the image of Eliza Doolittle in Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion

Dynamics of the image of Eliza Doolittle in Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion

2020Online School, Documentary, Education, Ukraine
Full HD178 minutes
The All-Ukrainian online school is a joint project of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on Education, Science and Innovation, the public union «Osvitoria» and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
Available on devices
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Content provided by VIASAT

Regarding the content (audiovisual, musical works, phonograms, videograms, graphic and other materials), which contain the marking «Content provided by VIASAT», the services of access to the specified content are provided to the Subscriber by the Limited Liability Company «Viasat Ukraine» (Registration code: 36125042, location: 01054, Ukraine, Kiev, Turgenevska Str., 15).

See also

1st class. Science

1st class. Science

1st class. Art

1st class. Art

3rd class. Science

3rd class. Science

5th class. Natural science

5th class. Natural science

6th class. English

6th class. English

6th class. Geography

6th class. Geography

6th class. Mathematics

6th class. Mathematics

7th class. Biology

7th class. Biology

8th class. Algebra

8th class. Algebra

8th class. Chemistry

8th class. Chemistry

8th class. World History

8th class. World History

9 class. Art

9 class. Art

9 class. Geometry

9 class. Geometry

9 class. History of Ukraine

9 class. History of Ukraine

9 class. Physics

9 class. Physics

10 class. English

10 class. English

10 class. World Literature

10 class. World Literature

10 class. Physics

10 class. Physics

11 class. World Literature

11 class. World Literature

11 class. Geometry

11 class. Geometry

11 class. World History

11 class. World History

3-6 years: numbers/counting

3-6 years: numbers/counting

6-9 years: English language

6-9 years: English language

6-9 years: mathematics

6-9 years: mathematics

Learn about world

Learn about world