11 class. Ukrainian literature
Mina Mazaylo: Is society ready to be Ukrainian?

Mina Mazaylo: Is society ready to be Ukrainian?

Mina Mazaylo: Is society ready to be Ukrainian?

Debunking spiritual limitations in the comedy of Mina Mazaylo

Debunking spiritual limitations in the comedy of Mina Mazaylo

Debunking spiritual limitations in the comedy of Mina Mazaylo

Literature in Western Ukraine until 1939

Literature in Western Ukraine until 1939

Literature in Western Ukraine until 1939

Life and creative path of Bohdan-Ihor Antonych

Life and creative path of Bohdan-Ihor Antonych

Life and creative path of Bohdan-Ihor Antonych

Green Gospel, Christmas: apoliticalness, mythology

Green Gospel, Christmas: apoliticalness, mythology

Green Gospel, Christmas: apoliticalness, mythology

Osyp Turyansky - the author Beyond the limits of pain

Osyp Turyansky - the author Beyond the limits of pain

Osyp Turyansky - the author Beyond the limits of pain

The convention of the image in the work Beyond the limits of pain

The convention of the image in the work Beyond the limits of pain

The convention of the image in the work Beyond the limits of pain

Extracurricular reading lesson

Extracurricular reading lesson

Extracurricular reading lesson

Literature of ?migr? writers. Prague school of Ukrainian poetry

Literature of ?migr? writers. Prague school of Ukrainian poetry

Literature of ?migr? writers. Prague school of Ukrainian poetry

The work of Yevhen Malanyuk

The work of Yevhen Malanyuk

The work of Yevhen Malanyuk

Excerpt from the poem: artistic interpretation of the history of Ukraine

Excerpt from the poem: artistic interpretation of the history of Ukraine

Excerpt from the poem: artistic interpretation of the history of Ukraine

Inscription on the book of poems by E. Malanyuk

Inscription on the book of poems by E. Malanyuk

Inscription on the book of poems by E. Malanyuk

The main milestones in the life and work of Ivan Bagryany

The main milestones in the life and work of Ivan Bagryany

The main milestones in the life and work of Ivan Bagryany

Tiger hunters. The strong-willed character of Grigory Mnohogrishny

Tiger hunters. The strong-willed character of Grigory Mnohogrishny

Tiger hunters. The strong-willed character of Grigory Mnohogrishny

The Sirk family, Major Medvin.

The Sirk family, Major Medvin.

The Sirk family, Major Medvin.

Creative biography of Oleksandr Dovzhenko

Creative biography of Oleksandr Dovzhenko

Creative biography of Oleksandr Dovzhenko

Diary - the source of the life history of Oleksandr Dovzhenko

Diary - the source of the life history of Oleksandr Dovzhenko

Diary - the source of the life history of Oleksandr Dovzhenko

The Autobiographical Basis of Oleksandr Dovzhenko's Film Story Zacharovana Desna

The Autobiographical Basis of Oleksandr Dovzhenko's Film Story Zacharovana Desna

The Autobiographical Basis of Oleksandr Dovzhenko's Film Story Zacharovana Desna

Two lyrical heroes in Oleksandr Dovzhenka's film story Zacharovana Desna

Two lyrical heroes in Oleksandr Dovzhenka's film story Zacharovana Desna

Two lyrical heroes in Oleksandr Dovzhenka's film story Zacharovana Desna

Biography of Oles Honchar

Biography of Oles Honchar

Biography of Oles Honchar

Dreams and reality in Oles Honchar's short story Modra Kamen

Dreams and reality in Oles Honchar's short story Modra Kamen

Dreams and reality in Oles Honchar's short story Modra Kamen

Sixties. Novelty of creativity

Sixties. Novelty of creativity

Sixties. Novelty of creativity

Vasyl Simonenko.

Vasyl Simonenko.

Vasyl Simonenko.

Vasyl Simonenko. I look into your pupils..., I...

Vasyl Simonenko. I look into your pupils..., I...

Vasyl Simonenko. I look into your pupils..., I...

Dmytro Pavlychko.

Dmytro Pavlychko.

Dmytro Pavlychko.

Dmytro Pavlychko. Two colors, I've been dying, sweetie, for you...

Dmytro Pavlychko. Two colors, I've been dying, sweetie, for you...

Dmytro Pavlychko. Two colors, I've been dying, sweetie, for you...

Ivan Drach.

Ivan Drach.

Ivan Drach.

Ivan Drach. The ballad about the sunflower as a poetic reflection on art

Ivan Drach. The ballad about the sunflower as a poetic reflection on art

Ivan Drach. The ballad about the sunflower as a poetic reflection on art

Mykola Vingranovskyi.

Mykola Vingranovskyi.

Mykola Vingranovskyi.

Mykola Vingranovsky. I planted a forest in the blue sky

Mykola Vingranovsky. I planted a forest in the blue sky

Mykola Vingranovsky. I planted a forest in the blue sky

Biography of Hryhor Tyutyunik

Biography of Hryhor Tyutyunik

Biography of Hryhor Tyutyunik

Gryhor Tyutyunyk. Three cuckoos with a bow

Gryhor Tyutyunyk. Three cuckoos with a bow

Gryhor Tyutyunyk. Three cuckoos with a bow

Gryhor Tyutyunyk. Three cuckoos bowing (artistic detail)

Gryhor Tyutyunyk. Three cuckoos bowing (artistic detail)

Gryhor Tyutyunyk. Three cuckoos bowing (artistic detail)

The creative path of Lina Kostenko

The creative path of Lina Kostenko

The creative path of Lina Kostenko

Lina Kostenko. Scary words when they are silent..., Let it be easy. With the touch of a pen...

Lina Kostenko. Scary words when they are silent..., Let it be easy. With the touch of a pen...

Lina Kostenko. Scary words when they are silent..., Let it be easy. With the touch of a pen...

Lina Kostenko. Unthinkable, unexpected... To this day, Poseidon has his throne...

Lina Kostenko. Unthinkable, unexpected... To this day, Poseidon has his throne...

Lina Kostenko. Unthinkable, unexpected... To this day, Poseidon has his throne...

2020Online School, Documentary, Education, Ukraine
Full HD390 minutes
The All-Ukrainian online school is a joint project of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on Education, Science and Innovation, the public union «Osvitoria» and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
Available on devices
Smart TV
Media Players
Content provided by VIASAT

Regarding the content (audiovisual, musical works, phonograms, videograms, graphic and other materials), which contain the marking «Content provided by VIASAT», the services of access to the specified content are provided to the Subscriber by the Limited Liability Company «Viasat Ukraine» (Registration code: 36125042, location: 01054, Ukraine, Kiev, Turgenevska Str., 15).

See also

1st class. Science

1st class. Science

2nd class. Mathematics

2nd class. Mathematics

2nd class. Science

2nd class. Science

3rd class. Art

3rd class. Art

5th class. Art

5th class. Art

5th class. Mathematics

5th class. Mathematics

5th class. Natural science

5th class. Natural science

6th class. Biology

6th class. Biology

6th class. Mathematics

6th class. Mathematics

7th class. Algebra

7th class. Algebra

8th class. Geometry

8th class. Geometry

9 class. English

9 class. English

9 class. World Literature

9 class. World Literature

9 class. Ukrainian language

9 class. Ukrainian language

10 class. Chemistry

10 class. Chemistry

10 class. English

10 class. English

10 class. Geometry

10 class. Geometry

11 class. Chemistry

11 class. Chemistry

11 class. English

11 class. English

11 class. Geography

11 class. Geography

11 class. Geometry

11 class. Geometry

3-6 years: numbers/counting

3-6 years: numbers/counting

6-9 years: Polish

6-9 years: Polish

Learn about world

Learn about world

