Familiarity with words-names of objects
Familiarity with words-names of objects

The noun as part of the language
The noun as part of the language

The schematic indication of sentences. Part 1
The schematic indication of sentences. Part 1

The schematic indication of sentences. Part 2
The schematic indication of sentences. Part 2

Writing words and sentences with the letters h and g
Writing words and sentences with the letters h and g

A fairy tale about spelling of prefixes s and z
A fairy tale about spelling of prefixes s and z

Mnemonic phrases. How quickly remember the rules of the Ukrainian language
Mnemonic phrases. How quickly remember the rules of the Ukrainian language
Available on devices
UkrainianRegarding the content (audiovisual, musical works, phonograms, videograms, graphic and other materials), which contain the marking «Content provided by VIASAT», the services of access to the specified content are provided to the Subscriber by the Limited Liability Company «Viasat Ukraine» (Registration code: 36125042, location: 01054, Ukraine, Kiev, Turgenevska Str., 15).
See also

1st class. Ukrainian language

1st class. Science

1st class. Art

2nd class. Science

2nd class. Art

2nd class. Physical education

3rd class. Science

3rd class. Travel book. Ukraine

4th class. Ukrainian language

4th class. Mathematics

4th class. Science

4th class. Physical education

5th class. English

7th class. Chemistry

7th class. English

7th class. Geometry

8th class. Geography

8th class. Geometry

8th class. World History

9 class. English

9 class. Geometry

9 class. History of Ukraine

9 class. Ukrainian language

9 class. Ukrainian literature

10 class. Algebra and beginnings of analysis

10 class. Geometry

11 class. English

11 class. World Literature

11 class. Physics

11 class. World History

1st class. Mathematics

6-9 years: English language

6-9 years: Ukrainian language

6-9 years: mathematics
