Underworld (Underworld)
2003Movies, Thriller, Germany, USA
Full HD121 minute
A young man who has pledged his life to helping others finds himself in a pitched battle between two gangs of supernatural villains in this blend of horror story and action thriller. Michael Corvin is a medical student who unexpectedly finds himself in the middle of what appears to be a rumble between two well turned-out street gangs. What Michael doesn't know, is that he has witnessed a skirmish between two deadly underground communities, unknown to the mortal world, who are battling for supremacy - the Death Dealers, a tribe of vampires, and the Lycans, a band of werewolves. Selene (Kate Beckinsale) is a leading werewolf hunter who learns that the Lycans have plans to capture the human who witnessed their battle. Selene begins following Michael around the city, and finds herself wanting to protect him, but her longing becomes a handicap when he's attacked by Lucian (Michael Sheen), the leader of the werewolf community, and the man she wants to save has now become a sworn enemy.
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Ukrainian, English
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See also

The Incredible Hulk (The Incredible Hulk)

The Incredible Hulk

Ronin (Ronin)


Baby Driver (Baby Driver)

Baby Driver

The Thomas Crown Affair (The Thomas Crown Affair)

The Thomas Crown Affair