Ghostbusters (Ghostbusters)
2016Movies, Fiction, Foreign, Fantasy, USA
Full HD117 minutes

Veteran ghostbusters can’t do their job anymore, as they are too old for this. But someone has to seize the initiative and save the city from naughty ghosts. It is time for a new generation of ghostbusters, and only time can tell, whether they are better or worse.

Available on devices
Smart TV
Media Players
Ukrainian, English
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See also

Dorian Gray (Dorian Gray)

Dorian Gray

Rupture (Rupture)


Repo Men (Repo Men)

Repo Men

Cloverfield (Cloverfield)


Edge of Darkness (Edge of Darkness)

Edge of Darkness

Jumanji: The Next Level (Jumanji: The Next Level)

Jumanji: The Next Level